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Hamilton 閥、管接頭

簡要描(miao)述:Tubings & Fittings

  • 產品(pin)型號:
  • 廠商性質:生產廠家
  • 更新(xin)時間:2024-07-05
  • 訪(fang)  問  量:3386

漢密爾(er)頓針對特定流體應用提供多種化(hua)學(xue)惰性(xing)管組件。 根據標(biao)準或(huo)客戶要(yao)求,可提(ti)供不同的量規,配件,輪(lun)轂組件和長度。


To build your own assemblies, Hamilton offers fitting kits and tubings (see page 4). Hamilton fittings and adapters are installed finger tight and provide leak tight seal rated to 6bar.

Tubing assemblies are available with support spring which protects the tubing from kinking at the interface between the tubing and the fitting. The assemblies are made of FEP or PTFE tubing and Kel-F (PCTFE) threaded fittings (unless otherwise specified). The flanged tubing assemblies provide the perfect seal including minimized dead volume for 1/4"-28 UNF or M6 flat bottom valve ports.