
首頁 > 產品中心 > Hamilton OEM組件 > 微量注射泵 > PSD/6 配套注射器

PSD/6 配套注射器


  • 產品型號:
  • 廠(chang)商性質:生產廠家
  • 更新(xin)時間:2024-07-05
  • 訪  問  量(liang):2948
  • 全高儀器(qi)注射器(qi),具有60毫米行程(cheng)長度

  • 提供從(cong)10微升(sheng)到50毫升(sheng)的多種容(rong)量選擇

  • 標準(聚四氟乙(yi)烯(xi))和長壽(shou)命(超高分(fen)子量(liang)聚乙(yi)烯(xi))活塞尖材料

  • 無氣泡引導液(ye)(BFP)和Luer鎖(suo)定(TLL)注射器連接(jie)方式

The history of the Hamilton companies began in the late 1940s. Clark Hamilton, a chemical engineer, who had studied at MIT, developed a lead shielded syringe for precision handling of radioactive isotopes in collaboration with the Lawrence Livermore Radiation Laboratory near Berkeley, California. Upon relocation to Whittier, California and his garage there, Clark Hamilton’s activities quickly focused on the need for microliter liquid handling in the field of chromatography. By his effort, Hamilton became the world leader in sample handling for the field of chromatography, and in 1960 the fledgling company outgrew the family garage, proudly moving into its first of many rental facilities. These precision microliter syringes would provide the sample introduction to a chromatograph where precision, accuracy, and reproducibility were key in the separation science of chemistries. Even today, they remain the standard for use in chromatography.